A cancer misdiagnosis can be devastating for patients and their families. When a cancer misdiagnosis is the result of medical negligence, those who are affected may choose to file cancer lawsuits. Cancer lawsuits can help patients to recover financial compensation for the physical, mental, and financial harm experienced as a result of cancer misdiagnosis from medical negligence. Patients or family members who wish to pursue a cancer lawsuit should speak with an experienced cancer misdiagnosis attorney as soon as possible to determine if there is a case and to discuss legal options moving forward.
Cancer Lawsuit Procedure
Cancer lawsuits are often complex and time-consuming. The first step for cancer misdiagnosis patients is to seek a cancer misdiagnosis attorney to discuss the details of the potential case. When filing the cancer lawsuit, there is a specific process that takes place. The cancer misdiagnosis will help the plaintiff, or the individual filing the lawsuit, to collect the necessary information and proceed with legal motions.
Gathering Documents and Information
Before cancer lawsuits can be filed, the cancer misdiagnosis attorney will need documentation and information surrounding the incident to conclude whether or not the plaintiff has a legitimate case against the defendant, or the party being sued. This information often includes medical records, legal research regarding medical negligence laws in the state where the lawsuit is being filed, and testimony from appropriate parties. Testimony is taken from the patient, as well as individuals such as family members, friends, volunteers, and past co-workers.
Filing a Cancer Lawsuit
After the appropriate information is collected, reviewed, and approved, the cancer lawsuit will be filed through the court system. After this takes place, the defending part will be served a court summons. The details of the cancer lawsuit will depend on factors such as the plaintiff’s goals, the statute of limitations in the state, and the resources and facts available to parties.
Discovery Phase
The discovery phase takes place before the trial begins. During the discovery phase, both the plaintiff and defendant will gather as much information as possible to prepare their cases for presentation in court. In a medical negligence case, the discovery phase involves depositions, or under-oath testimony from witnesses and experts, such as medical professionals in the field. The cancer misdiagnosis lawyer will issue subpoenas to collect key documents and evidence for the plaintiff’s case, as well as conduct extensive legal research.
Case Resolution
Cancer lawsuits may end in several ways, such as mediation, settlement, or a full trial. Mediation involves a pre-trial negotiation between the plaintiff and defendant that is conducted by a third party. Settlement also takes place before a trial begins. In a settlement, the defending party admits fault and offers a certain sum of damages to the plaintiff. If the plaintiff accepts, the cancer lawsuit ends. If the plaintiff does not accept, the case may require a full trial. If the cancer lawsuit is taken to trial, the plaintiff should be prepared for a lengthy process which may take up to years to complete.
When to File Cancer Lawsuits
Cancer misdiagnosis patients who wish to file cancer lawsuits should consult a cancer misdiagnosis attorney as soon as possible to discuss the state’s statute of limitations. The statute of limitations places time limits on when a patient is permitted to bring a medical negligence lawsuit against the defending party. In most states, the statute of limitations ranges from two-to-four years from when the negligence incident occurred, or when the plaintiff had reasonable information to determine that negligence occurred. If a cancer diagnosis patient misses this crucial timeframe, the cancer lawsuit cannot be filed and the patient will not be able to recover damages.
Hiring a Cancer Lawyer
Hiring an experienced and knowledgeable cancer lawyer should be the first step that cancer misdiagnosis patients take when considering cancer lawsuits. Cancer lawyers can help with virtually all stages of the cancer lawsuit process, from initial case investigation to defending the plaintiff during a trial. The cancer lawyer will also reduce stress for the cancer misdiagnosis patient by providing guidance and legal advice, and answering legal questions throughout the course of the legal process.
Emanuele, Rosemarie, and Walter Simmons. “Male and female recoveries in medical malpractice cases.” Review of Social Economy 62.1 (2004): 83+. Academic OneFile. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
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Prevatt, Haley A, et al. “Anatomy of a Malpractice Lawsuit.” Surgical Innovation 14.1 (2007): 62-64. MEDLINE with Full Text. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
Robbennolt, Jennifer. “Apologies and Medical Error.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 467.2 (2009): 376-382. Print.